How do I sign up to tell a story?

  1. The Dublin Story Slam is an open mic competitive storytelling night that takes place in the Sugar Club in Dublin’s City Centre and the Civic Theatre in Tallaght. For each show we have a different theme and we invite the audience to share a personal true story inspired by that theme. Once you see a theme that inspires you, there’s two ways to sign up.

  2. You can sign up in advance by applying for a pre-sign up slot. 2 weeks before each Slam we invite people to submit in their first line of their personal true story inspired by that theme. If selected, they then definitely get to share their story on the night. Pre-sign ups also get in for free and get in first ahead of the queue so they can grab the good seats for themselves and their friends. We offer 4 pre-sign up slots on a first come first served basis. Keep an eye on mailing list and social media to be notified when applications open.

  3. You can also sign up on the night of the Slam if you’ve already got a ticket. We pick 4 more names at random from the bowl on the night - 8 in total. However be warned, if we get more than 4 more sign ups on the night, there’s a chance your name won’t be picked. So if you’re really sure you want to share your story, then sign up in advance. Prefer to decide on the night, then grab yourself a ticket and sign up on the night.

What happens on the night?

When the show begins names are picked at random out of the bowl. If you hear your name being called, you make your way to the stage and share your story. Stories are between 4-7 minutes long and we have a very friendly sounding gong that rings at the 4, 6 & 7 min mark. Don’t worry, if you go over the 7minute mark, you won’t be dragged off the stage or anything. However Judges are reminded to give their scores based on other things, the length of your story, so if you go over, your overall score may drop!

During your story, you can’t use any notes, scripts, slides, props - it’s just you telling your story from memory. No Poetry, spoken word, fiction, music or song please! All of these art forms are amazing but not everyone can do them and it’s unfair to the other storytellers. The reason we stick to just stories is because everyone can tell a story so everyone’s on the same level.

At the end of your story, we then ask our three teams of Judges in the audience, to give a score out of 10. At the end of the night, an overall champion is chosen. That person is then invited back to tell a brand new story at The Dublin Story Grand Slam at the end of the year.

Technically this is a competition but it’s probably one of the most friendliest competitions ever. For a lot of people, the act of telling a story and sharing their experience with the audience is their main reason for taking part. This is not X factor!!!